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Gotta questions do ya? Here's some of the common ones...

  • This course is for everyone...and by everyone I mean:
    Listen alllllmost everyone. You need to have the health to move freely and ride horses proficiently. If you are pregnant or recovering from injury or have a medical condition then it's your doctor that's going to advise your exercise program, not me.
  • How long will it take me to do the course?
    As long as you want. This course isn't graded, timed, or in a group setting so you can go at your own pace. You also have access to the course forever after you pay.
  • How do I sign up and pay?
    Wix will tell you.
  • How do I get coaching for me or my horse?
    You must purchase the Human Winning Warm UPS course or the Horse WInning WarmUPs course first. I do not take 'public' clients anymore. I enjoy having long term relationships and goal tracking systems with like-minded members in my tribe. Having purchased the course ensures you know the approach and principles I value when fortifying human and horse health. After you purchase a course, you can sign up on my website or email me that you would like to schedule a personal coaching or equine physical therapy session. You get rewarded the more times you book; eventually ending up with 'free' coaching access.
  • The course is online but do we ever meet in person?
    YES! We will schedule wellness meet-up seminars in person. This will be a great time for us to evaluate our own health and work on our horse's health in an educational setting.

© 2020

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